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Showing posts from August, 2020

This Way Physiotherapist Remains Accessible And Affordable

Physiotherapists can contribute more to effective care, provided that insurers and the professional group have an eye for their common interests.Health insurers and physiotherapists are in a difficult position. They often face each other because of conflicting interests. Physiotherapists experience that their income is lagging behind, the administrative burden remains high and the number of treatments per patient continues to fall. Health insurers see the costs of supplementary insurance rising, and therefore have to limit the package or increase the premium and have no insight into the benefits of the care provided. Both  Physiotherapists   and health insurers are under pressure. If both parties stick to their own interests, there is a real risk of losing affordable and accessible high-quality physiotherapy. The opposing interests stand in the way of innovations in physiotherapy. There is potentially a lot of gains for the patient, health insurers and physiotherapists to be gained by

Our Roof Restoration repair service

Have you recently detected a deterioration on your roof? Do you have leaks and do you think that the cause of this phenomenon is the cracks in your tiles? The passage of time and climatic factors are the enemies of our Roof Restoration . That is why we often need good maintenance or repair the cracks and damages that have been caused.  we are specialists in roof repair in Madrid , offering you a good restoration quickly, efficiently and economically. Performing good maintenance of roofs and covers from time to time will help keep them in good condition for a long time. However, there are factors that we cannot control or avoid, such as meteorological ones, ergo we must repair the tile or, failing that, change it for a new one. Aside from weather and weather factors, another cause of shingles damage is animal residue. Pigeons or other birds place their nests on  Roof Restoration , a fact that can be harmful over time since pigeon residues are corrosive and damage surfaces How to do a go


Often times, you will find that the terms “smart home” and “ home automation ” are used interchangeably, which might make you wonder why there are so many terms for the same concept. In this case, however, there is a difference - although it may seem rather confusing to newcomers to home automation. In simple terms:  home automation  is just one of the many things that go into a smart home. If that doesn't make the point clearer for you, think of it this way: smart home technology consists of connected devices that run on network technologies such as Bluetooth (in the case of HomeKit) or specialized technologies such as Z-Wave to connect and interact. with other devices in the house. Such devices are: light switches and dimmers that can be controlled remotely; surveillance cameras that can be monitored from another room or another continent; thermostats that can be programmed to follow a set schedule or adjusted from your smartphone, as well as many other devices. Any device in you

Great Web Design Books

  A   book for those who don't know much about type and typography yet.  If you need to work with web design in the future, then this book will be useful to you.  It is usually recommended reading for design students, but if you need help in the world of typography, then of course it is recommended for you too. In the book, you will find descriptions and explanations of some of the patterns, tips and rules adopted in Russian-language typography, as well as an attached poster diagram with reminders of what to do and what not to do during the layout process. 1. Diary of a designer maniac What  this book is about  :   This book about designers and for designers is a frank talk about painful things. The author shares his thoughts on the profession, offers answers to “eternal questions”: should a designer be able to draw, is there an ideal customer, where to get fresh ideas, how plagiarism differs from working with material, and others.  I think here you can find the answer to your pai

New module and pricing structure in business accounts

Good news for 80% of all Silvasoft customers! Due to a new price and module structure , the invoice you receive monthly will be lower. Are you among the other 20% of the customers? Do not you worry! You will keep the price you are used to. A discount will be applied to your business accounts to keep this price. This discount will always apply, also for any future expansions in modules and / or users. First of all, various functions will be offered separately in modules. Consider, for example, the module 'Hours & Personnel', or the module 'Quotations, Sales & Orders'. By offering the various functions in these modules separately, you do not need to pay much more for functions that you do not want to use. We expect that there will be more interest in such a model, so that we can grow faster. VZW stands for 'Vereniging Zonder Profitoogmerk'. As a non-profit organization you are obliged to keep accounts. On this page you can read more about what kind of bus

History of air conditioning

If you think that the fight against heat and the use of environmental cooling systems are relatively modern things, perhaps the beginning of this article will surprise you greatly. Let's start by describing the history of air conditioning talking, neither more nor less, than the ancient Egyptians. That is, thousands of years ago. Fighting the heat in ancient Egypt The ancient Egyptians already used certain methods that mainly allowed the pharaohs to enjoy pleasant temperatures, reducing the heat of their rooms. The walls of the pharaoh's palace were made up of large blocks of stone, blocks weighing more than 1000 tons. How did the Egyptians cool down the pharaoh's palace? Well, when night fell, thousands of slaves were in charge of dismantling the walls to transport the stones to the Sahara desert . There, the temperatures during the night were very low, due to the extreme desert climate.Thus, the stones cooled very quickly and before dawn they were taken back to the palac

How to Save Your Business by Changing the Way You Do It. Remote accounting

Spring 2020. Corona virus crisis. It is not known what will happen next, but it is already clear that not everyone will survive. If you want to keep your business, you will have to quickly revise business processes: give up unnecessary expenses like a premium office and cookies, optimize the staff by firing those you can do without, automate the processes that programs are performed better than people. The load is uneven: the accounting either spits at the ceiling, drawing up a couple of invoices per day, or sits late at night on the eve of the reports. The salary, the size of which is not tied to the number of tasks, has to be paid constantly. And also - to allocate a workplace and office equipment, provide stationery and deduct contributions to funds. It is difficult to punish for jambs: you can deprive of bonuses, in extreme cases - dismiss, but the fines are still paid to the owner. In closets, folders with papers from counter parties are piled up. There are more and more of them,

Smart home systems (world market)

2019: Forecast of Strategy Analytics User spending on equipment, services and  smart home  installation  in 2019 will reach $ 103 billion.With an average annual market growth rate (CAGR) of 11% until 2023, by the end of this period, the market volume will reach $ 157 billion. Spending on devices in 2019 will account for 54% of the market volume ($ 55 billion), and by 2023 will reach $ 81 billion (CAGR + 10%).  This was reported in September by analysts at Strategy Analytics. The experts named the largest players in the market: Interactive security, ADT, Comcast and Vivint, Centrica Connected Homes,  Deutsche Telekom  , Verisure, Korea Telecom,  LG  U +,  Xiaomi  , China Telecom, Panasonic and ITSCOM. At the end of 2018, more than 200 million households used smart home systems.  By 2023, the number of such households will grow to 300 million. By this time, one smart home will account for 21 smart devices, or 6.4 billion worldwide. 2018: Growth of the European market by 23.1% to 88.8 mil

Some differences between web design and graphic design

Web design and graphic design have a lot in common.  Both require a good understanding of typography, graphics, and design principles.  But, in the end, web design and graphic design are different directions with different concepts. 1. Web design is a dynamic environment Comparing web design and graphic design is like comparing the well-known iPad to a painting hanging in a museum.  Both things show beautiful visuals, but one (iPad) is interactive - you can touch, zoom out, and the other (a painting in a museum) can take you to a guard if you touch him (paintings) Graphic design has its origins in the print industry.  Whether it's a magazine layout or a children's book.  All printed materials are generally less interactive than their digital counterparts.  But they also rely on artistic assemblies of images, text, and other graphics to tell a story or convey a message.  There should be logic and navigation through printed materials (table of contents of a book, magazine) and th